
Here are some instructions on how to “like” and “share” RCSCO Facebook postings.

Please note these instructions are related to the public Ramsbottom Choral Society Facebook page and not the private RCSCO Facebook group, which is for society members only.

Like and Follow the Ramsbottom Choral Society – This section only needs to be done once.

1  Logon on to  your Facebook account.

2  Find the Society Facebook page by typing “ramsbottom choral society” in the search bar at the top.

3  In the “Pages” section to the right, select the “Ramsbotton Choral Society”

4  This will take you to the Ramsbotton Choral Society Facebook page. Click on the words “Like” and “Follow”.

5 Once “clicked”, these words will change to “Liked” and “Following” .


Like and share Ramsbottom Choral Society Posts – Do this every time you wish to share a Post.

1  Scroll down the Ramsbottom Choral Society page until you come to the Post you wish to share.

2  Press the “Like” button, underneath the Post.

3  It will now change colour to show that you have “Liked” the Post.

4 To share a post with your Facebook friends, press the “Share” button.

5  A drop down menu will appear with options of how to share. Select “Share …”

6  A “pop-up” box will appear. In the section “say something about this” you can type a short message about the posting like “I’m really looking forward to the rehearsal on Friday”. Alternatively you could leave it blank.

7  Then press “Post”. This will now be posted on your “time-line”. You Facebook friends will also be able to see this. Hopefully they will also “like” and  “share” and the Post will spread further.

8  One of the other “Share” options was to “Share in a group”. Use this if you are a member of Facebook groups like “What’s on in Ramsbottom”. Posting to these group is very useful as they will reach more members, than you would by just sending it to your Facebook friends.

Hope this helps. Please get in touch if you are struggling.